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Different data between the Spending Account Dashboard and Reports and invoice

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HR Admins

Because we refresh your Spending Account Dashboard and Reports data every hour while we load your invoice data once a month, these two sets of data aren’t always comparable.

Here are some examples of when your data won’t match up:

  • If adjustments are made to spending account allocations or refunds, or user activations or suspensions after the second day of the month, but we backdate them to an earlier date, these changes will be reflected on your Spending Account Dashboard and Reports but not on that month’s invoice.

  • If a user is active on the first day of the month, but is suspended before 11:59 p.m. in your timezone on the first day of the month, their spending account allocation won’t be included on your invoice but their grace period data will be included on your Spending Account Dashboard and Reports.

  • Your invoice excludes data about inactive and terminated users, while your Spending Account Dashboard and Spending Account Balance Reports include allocation data for terminated and inactive users until the plan year ends.

  • When the plan year is in a grace period and the next plan year has started, your Spending Account Balance Report shows data for both plan years, while your invoice only shows spending account data for funds that users can actively use.

The rollover amount shown in your Spending Account Balance report includes any funds that expired during the plan year. Keep in mind, we don’t include any expired rollover allocations from previous years for billing purposes.

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