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Information required to process spending account claims

Who should read this article?
Anyone with a spending account administered by League like a Lifestyle Spending Account (LSA).


To process your spending account claims, the submission should include the:

  • Vendor name

  • Service or item purchased

  • Date of purchase

  • Amount you’re claiming

Please make sure that this information is included when you upload photos of your itemized receipt or invoice. If the itemized receipt on invoice omits any of this information, or if you need to provide any additional information, please leave a note for our agent!

Note: If you submit an invoice, bill, or receipt that doesn’t indicate payment you must submit an account statement, credit card receipt or statement, or any other form of evidence which constitutes proof of payment.

If required information is missing, you will receive an email from us indicating that the claim is in a More Info status, along with instructions on how to find the claim in your League account to update it. 

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