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What documentation can I submit to prove a Qualifying Life Event (QLE)?

When you experience a Qualifying Life Event (QLE), you may be allowed to change your insurance coverage mid plan year. When you report your QLE (a.k.a let us know about it), we may ask you to submit documentation that proves you experienced the QLE (depending on your employer’s requirements). 

The table below shows what types of documentation you can submit as proof for different types of QLEs. If multiple types of documents are listed, you only need to submit one type of document from the list. 

Documentation you can submit to prove your QLE


 Submit one of these documents

You got married

  • Fully-executed Marriage Certificate

You got divorced

  • Divorce Decree

  • Legal Separation Papers

You gave birth or adopted a child

  • Crib tag from the hospital

  • Newborn’s Hospital wrist band

  • Hospital discharge papers

  • Hospital certificate with footprints

  • Official Birth Certificate (if received within 30 days of the birth)

  • Notice of Legal Adoption (Official fully-executed legal document required)

You lost eligibility in other benefits

  • Coverage termination notice from a government agency

  • HIPPA Certificate of Credible Coverage 

  • Signed letter (on company Letter Head) from the dependent's former employer, confirming their coverage termination and the date coverage ended.

You gained eligibility in other benefits

  • Offer letter from your spouse or domestic partner's new employer showing your benefits eligibility

  • Payroll stub from your spouse or domestic partner showing benefit deductions have begun

Your dependent passed away

  • Certified and legal Death Certificate for your dependent

You or your dependent reached the maximum age of 26

  • No documentation required

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