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What is a Primary Care Physician (PCP) and how do I find one?

A Primary Care Physician or Provider (PCP) is a doctor who: 

  • Is the first point-of-contact for patients

  • Oversees patients’ comprehensive care

  • Helps patients navigate the entire health care system


Why do I need a PCP?

The following plans require you to have a PCP who coordinates your care and refers you to specialists:

  • Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) plan

  • Point of Service (POS) plan


If your plan doesn’t have this requirement, having a PCP can still be beneficial. A PCP is the main doctor you’ll visit for most of your healthcare needs. They'll ensure you receive the right care by advocating for your needs.


A PCP can help with a wide range of issues, including:

  • Diagnosis and treatment of illnesses

  • Health promotion and education

  • Counseling

  • Annual preventative screenings and vaccinations


A PCP also takes continued responsibility for you care, and can refer you to specialists when needed. 


Okay, you’ve convinced me. But how do I find a PCP?

Follow the steps in the article How do I find an in-network provider?


Tip: When searching for an in-network provider, check to see if you can filter your list to only see PCPs.

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