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Rules for changing your benefits during the plan year

Most benefit elections can't be changed in the middle of your plan year. There are some exceptions. This article will walk you through what elections you can or can’t change and why.

Medical, vision, dental, and other supplemental benefits

You can only change these benefits during your annual open enrollment period, or if you experience a Qualifying Life Event (QLE).

Example: Your open enrollment period was from June 1, 2019 - June 30, 2019. It’s now September 1st, and you want to change your medical plan selection and increase your Flexible Spending Account (FSA) contribution. You can make this change during your next open enrollment period for coverage starting June 1, 2020.

If you experienced a QLE, you’re eligible to make changes to your plan to reflect your new circumstances. Read about QLEs.


Why can’t I change my medical, vision, dental, and other supplemental benefits?

The short answer: The Internal Revenue Service (IRS). They set regulations that limit the period when you can change these benefits.

The good news is, you can change:

  • Commuter Reimbursement Account (CRA) allocations: If you have a CRA you can change your allocations monthly. Your changes come into affect the following month.  

  • Health Savings Account (HSA) allocations: If you have an HSA, you can change your contributions whenever you want. Changes will take effect on the pay date after your changes are processed. 

  • 401k: If you have a 401k, you can change your allocations whenever you want. Changes will take effect on the pay date after your changes are processed.

Note: League doesn’t administer your 401k. If you don’t know who administers your 401k, our Customer Care team can help. Contact Customer Care team through Chat or email us at

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