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Review or change your benefits elections during Open Enrollment

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New hires

Finished enrolling in your benefits for the first time, but not 100% sure about your choices? No need to worry! All of your selections will remain editable until the end of your enrollment period, so feel free to change your selections within that timeframe. Whether you're editing or just reviewing your selections, simply follow these steps:

1. Go to on a computer web browser, enter your email address and password, and click "Sign In".

sign in button highlighted in League's website sign in screen

2. Click "Wallet". 

Wallet button highlighted in League's website home screen

3. Click "View Coverage Summary" to review your selections, and click "Change Plan Selections" to make changes to your selections. 

Wallet screen during enrollment period on the League website with coverage summary and change plan selections sections highlighted

Existing employees

Have you submitted your benefit selections for this year’s Open Enrollment? You can review or change your selections if you’re still within the Open Enrollment period.

After you submit your benefit selections, you’ll see a notification banner at the top of your League homepage. 

Enrollment complete message

To change your selections within the annual enrollment period:

1. Log in to your League account.

2. Click the “change plan selections” button in the notification banner.

You’ll be directed back to the enrollment experience where you can change your selections.

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