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What does in-network mean?

Insurance carriers have contracts with some healthcare providers to provide healthcare services. These providers are called in-network providers. In-network providers are sometimes called preferred or participating providers.


Providers include:

  • Healthcare professionals: Examples include doctors, psychologists, and physical therapists

  • Healthcare facilities: Examples include hospitals, urgent care clinics, pharmacies, and labs


Why should I visit an in-network provider?

Your coverage depends on whether the healthcare provider you visit is in-network. If you visit a provider outside your carrier's network, you’ll either pay more or pay the full cost. 


Your carrier:

  • Negotiates lower rates with in-network providers

  • Shares more of the cost for services from in-network providers


How can I learn more about my in-network coverage?

View your full coverage information by downloading your Full Coverage Booklet. This document has all the information you need on your in-network coverage.


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