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Submit spending account claims

Who should read this article?
Anyone with a spending account administered by League like a Lifestyle Spending Account (LSA).

Need a little help submitting your claim to League? Don't worry, we've got your back! Submitting a claim to your League Lifestyle Spending Account (LSA) or Health Spending Account (HSA) is easy.

View instructions for:


On Mobile:

1. Tap "Wallet" in the bottom right-hand corner. 


2. Select the spending account you want to be reimbursed through.

Wallet screen in League mobile app with lifestyle spending account highlighted

3. Tap "Submit Claim".

Lifestyle Spending Account screen on the League mobile app with the Submit Claim button highlighted

4. Upload the image of your receipt. 

Note: You can only upload images of receipts or invoices on the app, so you need to upload a screenshot of your document if it’s in PDF format. 

Submit Claim screen on the League mobile app with the photo upload section highlighted

5. Tap "Add Image" to add any additional documents like transaction receipts.

6. Tap "Add Details" after you've added all your supporting documents.

Claim creation details screen on the League app with add image field and add details button highlighted

7. Enter any additional information that is relevant to the claim. This can include the total amount requested and additional notes like the date you made the purchase.

8. Tap "Save".

Add Note screen on the League mobile app

9. Take a moment to review the information you've added to your claim and then click "Submit Claim".  

Your claim screen on the League app with submit claim button highlighted

You'll see a confirmation screen if your claim was successfully submitted to League. Great work!

Learn more about what information we need to process your claim and when you'll be reimbursed.


On Web:

1. Click "Wallet".

Wallet button highlighted in League's website home screen

2. Select the benefit you want to be reimbursed through and click "Submit Claim".

Wallet screen on League website with lifestyle spending account highlighted

Lifestyle Spending Account page on the League website with the Submit Claim button highlighted

3. Enter the amount you're requesting.

4. Enter any other information relevant to your claim. 

Submit a Claim page on the League website with the Amount and Note fields highlighted

5. Click "Browse Files" to add your proof of payment, or drag and drop it onto the page. You can upload more than one file or image.

Submit a Claim page on the League website with the file upload section highlighted

6. Click "Submit" once you're satisfied with the information you've provided.

Submit a Claim page on the League website with the Submit button highlighted

You'll see a confirmation screen if your claim was successfully submitted to League. Great work!

Learn more about what information we need to process your claim and when you'll be reimbursed.

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